News ID: 518
Publish Date : 28 September 2017 - 22:00

California Could Introduce Its Own Ban On Internal Combustion Engine Cars

The state of California is, and has been, a staunch supporter of electric cars and tight regulations aimed at curbing car emissions in order to reduce pollution.
Khodrocar - Most of its programs and initiatives have supported the sale of electrified cars in general, but the state may take a much bigger, more worrying step.

California Governor Jerry Brown has expressed interest in potentially banning the sale of cars powered solely by internal combustion engines, according to Bloomberg.

California Air Resources Board (CARB) Chairman Mary Nichols said Brown has asked why California hasn't done something about a potential ban already. She added such a ban, if implemented, is at least a decade away.

California would follow the Netherlands, Norway, France, the United Kingdom, India, and China if it were to introduce its own ban on the sale of new cars powered purely by fossil fuels. China, however, hasn't revealed a set date for its ban to take effect, but it floated 2040 as a potential start date. It may be later, according to some industry analysts.

The potential for California to follow the Asian and European countries would have just as much of an impact, too; California alone registered more passenger vehicles than France last year.

A ban on internal combustion engines would affect automakers in profound ways. California is one of the largest auto markets in the United States, and automakers would have to adjust their vehicle portfolios to embrace electrification more quickly than many plan to at present. Already, the Association of Global Automakers has cast doubts on California's interest in banning internal combustion engines. It argued that consumers must be able to afford the electric cars required to meet emission and climate goals.

Source: Motor Authority